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产品描述:一、风淋室和货淋室的定义及区别1. 风淋室风淋室,又称人员净化装置,是一种用于清除进入无尘车间人员身上尘埃、细菌等污染物的设备。风淋室内部设有喷淋装置,通过高速喷洒洁净空气,使人员身上的污染物被清除,从而达到净化车间的目的。2. 货淋室货淋室,又称货物净化装置,是一种用于清除进入无尘车间内货物表面尘埃、细...



1. 风淋室


2. 货淋室




1. 风淋室的作用




2. 货淋室的作用






1. 风淋室的应用场景


2. 货淋室的应用场景



1. 风淋室的选型及注意事项




2. 货淋室的选型及注意事项





Spray booths and pass-through chambers are two common purification devices within cleanrooms, playing a vital role in maintaining the cleanliness of the workspace and product quality. What are their differences and functions? Here is a scientific explanation for this question.

I. Definitions and Differences between Spray Booths and Pass-through Chambers

1. Spray Booths

Also known as personnel purification devices, spray booths are designed to remove dust, bacteria, and other contaminants from the bodies of individuals entering a cleanroom. Inside a spray booth, there is a spraying unit that delivers high-velocity clean air to eliminate contaminants from a person's body, thereby purifying the workspace.

2. Pass-through Chambers

Pass-through chambers, also referred to as material purification devices, are used to eliminate dust, bacteria, and other contaminants from the surfaces of materials entering a cleanroom. These chambers contain spraying units that spray high-velocity clean air to clean the surfaces of the materials, achieving the goal of purifying the workspace.

II. Functions of Spray Booths and Pass-through Chambers

1. Functions of Spray Booths

(1) Removing contaminants from personnel: The primary function of a spray booth is to eliminate dust, bacteria, and other contaminants from individuals entering a cleanroom, reducing the risk of contamination brought into the workspace by personnel.

(2) Protecting product quality and safety: By purging contaminants from the bodies of personnel, spray booths effectively protect the products and production environment within the cleanroom, ensuring product quality.

(3) Enhancing production efficiency: The use of spray booths can reduce the number of contaminants within the workspace, decrease the amount of cleaning work, and increase production efficiency.

2. Functions of Pass-through Chambers

(1) Removing contaminants from material surfaces: The main function of a pass-through chamber is to eliminate dust, bacteria, and other contaminants from the surfaces of materials entering a cleanroom, reducing the risk of contamination brought in by the materials.

(2) Protecting product quality and safety: By cleaning the surfaces of materials, pass-through chambers effectively protect the products and production environment within the cleanroom, ensuring product quality.

(3) Enhancing production efficiency: The use of pass-through chambers can reduce the number of contaminants within the workspace, decrease the amount of cleaning work, and increase production efficiency.

III. Application Scenarios of Spray Booths and Pass-through Chambers

1. Application Scenarios of Spray Booths

Spray booths are primarily used in scenarios where personnel enter a coating cleanroom, such as workers, visitors, etc. Before entering the coating cleanroom, personnel must pass through a spray booth for purification to ensure they do not bring contaminants into the workspace.

2. Application Scenarios of Pass-through Chambers

Pass-through chambers are primarily used in scenarios where materials enter a coating cleanroom, such as raw materials, finished products, etc. Before entering the coating cleanroom, materials need to pass through a pass-through chamber for purification to ensure their surfaces do not bring contaminants into the workspace.

IV. Selection and Considerations for Spray Booths and Pass-through Chambers

1. Selection and Considerations for Spray Booths

(1) Air velocity of spray booths: Air velocity is a crucial factor affecting purification effectiveness, usually requiring speeds around 20 m/s.

(2) Spraying devices in spray booths: The number and distribution of spraying devices should meet purification requirements to ensure that all parts of a person's body can be cleaned.

(3) Materials used in spray booths: Spray booths should be made of materials that do not pollute the environment and have good corrosion resistance and wear resistance.

2. Selection and Considerations for Pass-through Chambers

(1) Air velocity of pass-through chambers: Air velocity is also an important factor affecting purification effectiveness, usually requiring speeds around 20 m/s.

(2) Spraying devices in pass-through chambers: The number and distribution of spraying devices should meet purification requirements to ensure that all surfaces of materials can be cleaned.

(3) Materials used in pass-through chambers: Pass-through chambers should be made of materials that do not pollute the environment and have good corrosion resistance and wear resistance.

To sum up, the air shower room and the cargo shower room play a vital role in the coating dust-free workshop. They are used to remove contaminants from people and goods surfaces, protect product quality and safety, and improve production efficiency. When selecting the air shower room and cargo shower room, you should pay attention to the wind speed, spray device and material and other factors to ensure their purification effect. At the same time, understand the application scenarios of air shower room and cargo shower room to ensure their normal operation in the coating dust-free workshop.


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